Ideas : MRT

I ams sure most of you would have notice the new change on the MRTs by now, the addition of the priority seats in the cubicles where its distinguished by a different colour from the rest of the seats.
In Taiwan, no one would actually take those priority seats which are strictly reserved for the elderly, pregnant ladies or disabled folks. However in Singapore, no one seemed to care. Or rather I should say, some passengers do avoid sitting in that priority seats, like myself.
The rest of the passengers still treat those seats as normal passengers seats and would sit there with no qualms.
However, due to our culture and upbringing, we do not really tell these passengers off.

So in this idea review, we thought of having an automated seat by a corner, which we can pull down and take a seat. Its strictly for the unfortunate folks as mentioned above.
Anyone with no sense of shame can still pull down the seat but with an additional step of pulling it down and taking a seat, I hope it will deter those shameless passengers not to take it, without giving a consideration for those who really need it.

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