Catching up with friends

Amidst the fast flurry of activities and how times flies, its always nice to pause and reflect on your life.
A good piece of music, with a quiet environment is what I need to actually sit down and ponder on my life reflections and priorities.

As the year 2009 is coming to a close soon, its time for you to sit down and reflect on this year - what you have achieved for yourself and was it a meaningful year for yourself? Are there things that you can improve further or wishing that you could have have a chance to redeem yourself?

I had a fun time catching up with friends last night over a hot barbeque at my house.
Now that we have reached an age where many of us are married, our circle of friends have indeed expanded to doubled its size.
Our topics have since moved on as the years flew, to more serious topics.

We are all happy for a good friend of ours who have found a guy although they are still in the friends stage for now, but for her to be able to bring that friend to our bbq for a close friends' gathering, its indeed a big step for her.
Her previous partner of 7 years have brought much hurt and pain to her by two-timing her. It took a long time for her to heal her wounds and to be able to step out of her shell to finally meet up with new male friends on her own.
She's finally opening up her heart and we are all so happy for her. Since Xmas is just round the corner, I really hope to give her my blessings for the new guy in her life.

It takes 2 hands to clap in order to keep the flame of a friendship burning strongly.
As we grew older, with more commitments, it can get increasingly difficult to meet up that often but so long each of us made an effort, it will succeed.
For friends who doesn't made an effort to meet up with me, I guess that also tells alot of how strong you value my friendship. Our fate will therefore ends there.

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