Matcha Shake at Purple Peanuts Japanese Cafe, Melbourne

Located along Collins Street, which is a pretty busy place usually swamped by the lunch time crowd, Purple Peanuts Japanese Cafe looks ordinary yet not exactly so. It is a casually, mismatched quirky place, with knick knacks littered around as part of its decor. The prices are reasonable and the healthy non-traditional Japanese food looks good. The menu are all hand-written on butcher's paper and taped to the wall which makes me wonder if they change their menu frequently.

Interestingly, their crew seem to make up of a few different nationalities and they are all so friendly and full of zest for their jobs. I can't help but to get caught up into their enthusiasm. I. Just. Have. To. Order. Their. Food. Especially that brown rice sushi roll and that matcha shake.

The friendly guy who delivered the matcha shake was so pleasant. He promptly made another shake upon realizing that he has whipped up the wrong one, for me. I have requested one, without the azuki beans during the order. I felt almost apologetic because he was just so nice. Cheerful and full of smiles. No frowns, no impatience.

That aside, Purple Peanuts Japanese Cafe is not a place for one to chill, because of the crowd. I was compelled to quickly get an empty table, rushed to queue and quickly order my meal, in order not to make the throngs of people behind me wait. I felt almost embarrassed to hog the table once I finished my meal.

The matcha shake is made up of green tea, vanilla beans, white chocolate, kirsch base with ice-cream, whipped cream and homemade matcha cookie crumbs. No regrets. Creamy and full of textured surprises in the shake.

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