Non Entree Desserts : Matcha Avalanache

Francis Wong, an ex-sous pastry chef from Regent Singapore, started Non Entree Desserts with his 2 friends, to provide fine dining desserts at reasonable prices for the masses.

When I first heard about its desserts, I thought the place would be alittle "atas" so imagine my surprise, when I found myself stepping into this spacious and laid-back enclave. A great place to chill with friends as one indulged in beautiful desserts.

Matcha Avalanache ( $13.90, excluding GST ) belongs to their Avalanache series where it consists of chocolate, matcha and horlicks ( non permanent ) flavours.

It was a natural choice for me to pick the Matcha Avalanache although it includes Azuki Beans which I am not a fan of. I requested for it to be excluded but the dessert still came with the Azuki Beans. So being a nice person, I just took it without much fuss.

It was a visual treat to see the dessert, where the matcha from the warm and moist lava cake on top of a honeycomb waffle will drip into a glass bowl of a scoop of gelato and some edible flowers below, once you sliced it open.

It was a little pricey but for the novelty factor and the visual treat, it was worth a visit. The Matcha Avalanache was not bad but can be perfect without the azuki beans as I am not a fan of that.

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