How To Make A Trash Bag Using Newspaper ( No Glue, No Scissors )

Singapore uses at least 1.76 billion plastic items a year - or almost one plastic item per person per day - but less than 20 per cent is recycled, according to survey results announced by the Singapore Environment Council (SEC).

In a survey of more than 1,000 people online, the non-governmental organisation found that people in Singapore take 820 million plastic bags yearly from supermarkets.

Only 2 per cent of these supermarket plastic bags were recycled by consumers. Two-thirds were used for the disposal of waste. The average Singaporean uses an unconscionable 13 plastic bags a day.

Here's what we can do :
- making trash bins out of newspapers to reduce the use of plastic bags

- opt for eco-friendly and reusable mesh nylon bags for vegetables and fruits at the market. Shop on Qoo10.

- choose reusable microfiber pads for makeup removal to reduce the use of cotton pads. Shop on Qoo10.

- keep a reusable bag in your backpack to store your purchases and refuse their store paper bags and plastic bags.

More tips on how to reduce, reuse and recycle at the comfort of your own home.

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