DIY Corsage

Swirl, a vintage-inspired shop in Singapore, have shared on how to DIY fabric corsages.
Its also ideal to get your scraps of material to do this corsage.

What is exactly a corsage?
It is a single flower or several small flowers, worn pinned.

A corsage is generally worn on the left side, just under the shoulder. It should be pinned with the stem down, the same way it would be planted in the ground.

I was crazy on corsages some time back because I thought it was just so pretty to add colour to an oh-so-boring top but everywhere I look, the corsages seems almost similar everywhere or even overpriced. I did eventually buy some to jazz up my outfit or a bag though but from Bangkok. The same piece was way overpriced in Singapore.

It can be worn at the shoulder, over the shoulder, in the hair, on the wrist, at the waist, hem line, on a hat, or even on an evening bag. Etiquette indicates that no matter how it is worn, it is most always worn on the left side.

Here are some ideas

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